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Transformation and Healing Two crucial aspects of life
You long for healing You want things and situations to be different
overlook that you yourself are You need to take responsibility You need to take action
Life does not happen to you Life is not an event
Life is a journey
For healing to take
The word 'heal' is related to the word 'whole' In order to heal you need to become whole again
Deep healing requires
changes in areas
Deep and lasting healing
The word 'crisis' originates
from a Greek verb meaning:
Any kind of crisis is to be welcomed
Things get worse before they get better Why? The so called crisis is part of the transformation What is transformation?
The Latin word
'transformare' means:
Part of transformation
is a deep and
You can think of it as a
deep spring-cleaning of
In the middle of your
The transformational
Do you experience
You have not
been taught to deal with Instead you have learned to hide them
Hiding anything takes a lot of energy
All you are
suppressing or hiding comes up It's about balancing the Light and the Dark within It's about walking the middle path
There is a pent-up need for healing Trauma and distortions move down the generations It didn't start with you
The unhealed
trauma in your ancestry
Passed on like a hot potato
When and Why does Healing not work?
Any illness - sickness - dis-ease There is no 'disease' a such Dis-ease is a collection of symptoms
Symptoms are just labels
Chinese Medicine and
They only see
dis-eased human
When you are familiar with
Bring into balance and heal the You are not sick - you are tox-$ick Toxins are anything that does not support life Toxins can be physical - mental - emotional Remove the toxins and your body will self-heal Your body doesn't know how to work against you
Your body -
mind - soul - spirit
This world is full of distraction and
One big cause for dis-ease is The truth shall set you free
Be gentle with yourself
You are healing from trauma
There are
many aspects of life
Don't worry - you are not the only one
Many people are living a lie
The human body is surrounded by an energy field
Your energy field contracts or expands
When you feel low
When you feel joyful - healthy - full of
What do you
think is the frequency
Is it love?
where you have the most impact
There is miraculous healings that
are considered
What about
healing not taking place?
Healing can not happen
Dis-ease is experienced
when you live non-truth
When you
learn to be true unto yourself
Your life
will change miraculously
your Journey of
You can reach Anna via email