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Transformation and Healing

Two crucial aspects of life



You long for healing

You want things and situations to be different

You overlook that you yourself are
the crucial part to the solution

You need to take responsibility

You need to take action


Life does not happen to you

Life is not an event

Life is a journey
and a creative process
on many levels simultaneously



For healing to take place
all needs to be cleared
that caused the dis-ease in the first place


The word 'heal' is related to the word 'whole'

In order to heal you need to become whole again


Deep healing requires changes in areas
you never have thought of


Deep and lasting healing
is a highly transformative process
effecting many aspects of your life simultaneously



The word 'crisis' originates from a Greek verb meaning:
distinguish - choose - decide

Any kind of crisis is to be welcomed
to support the change you need to make



Things get worse before they get better


The so called crisis is part of the transformation

What is transformation?

The Latin word 'transformare' means:
  reshape - redesign - transfigure - alter


Part of transformation is a deep and
thorough cleanse on many levels


You can think of it as a deep spring-cleaning of
your entire house - body - life


In the middle of your spring-cleaning
your house can look like a complete mess
things are much worse than in the beginning



The transformational process
leaves no stone unturned and
the skeletons in your closet are revealed


Do you experience
unexplained fear - guilt - shame?

You have not been taught to deal with
your feelings and emotions in a healthy way

Instead you have learned to hide them

Hiding anything takes a lot of energy
while working with all the coping mechanisms
you are conditioned to use

All you are suppressing or hiding comes up
to be acknowledged - forgiven - released - integrated

It's about balancing the Light and the Dark within

It's about walking the middle path



There is a pent-up need for healing

Trauma and distortions move down the generations

It didn't start with you

The unhealed trauma in your ancestry
is handed down the bloodline

Passed on like a hot potato
it needs to be cleared and healed for good



When and Why does Healing not work?

Any illness - sickness - dis-ease
has many aspects

There is no 'disease' a such

Dis-ease is a collection of symptoms

Symptoms are just labels
re-arranged as needed by the system

Traditional Chinese Medicine and
Homeopathy don't know the concept of disease

They only see the dis-eased human
that fell out of natural balance



When you are familiar with
the concept of Inner Healing
you view symptoms as messengers

Bring into balance and heal the
physical - mental - emotional - spiritual cause
of your imbalance

You are not sick - you are tox-$ick

Toxins are anything that does not support life

Toxins can be physical - mental - emotional

Remove the toxins and your body will self-heal

Your body doesn't know how to work against you


Your body - mind - soul - spirit
have the natural ability to rebalance and self-heal
if they are not interfered with

This world is full of distraction and interference
throwing you out of balance causing dis-ease


One big cause for dis-ease is
not living your truth
which leads to depression and feeling confined

The truth shall set you free


Be gentle with yourself

You are healing from trauma
personal - generational - and soul


There are many aspects of life
where most people don't stand in their truth
without being aware of it

Don't worry - you are not the only one
and you can change this NOW

Many people are living a lie
causing dis-ease in various areas of their lives



The human body is surrounded by an energy field

Your energy field contracts or expands
depending on how you feel


When you feel low
mentally - emotionally - or health wise
your are contracting

When you feel joyful - healthy - full of energy
you are expanding


What do you think is the frequency
your field is reaching out the farthest
and broadcasting the strongest

Is it love?
No - it's authenticity

Being authentic
standing in your truth
not only empowers you

That's where you have the most impact
on your own life and in this world



There is miraculous healings that are considered
The Grace of God

What about healing not taking place?
Is it God's punishment? No!

Healing can not happen
when energetic forces are at work or
the original cause is unknown

Dis-ease is experienced when you live non-truth
even without knowing it

When you learn to be true unto yourself
and live your truth
not only healing miracles will happen

Your life will change miraculously
leading to
Freedom - Joy - Fulfillment



Start your Journey of
Transformation and Healing NOW




Testimonials - What clients say


Anna is the right person to help you move through difficult periods of your life, where blockages, looping and high emotions can be overwhelming.



Anna is direct and to the point.
This sets her up to be ideal for digging deeper into presenting problems and finding the root cause of the anguish.

The changes are felt instantly in the emotional body and a lifetime of patterns and trauma can be released.



Anna zeroed in on the root cause of my healing goal.

As this protection mechanism lifted:
I felt the surge of emotion and energy and a giggle! Which wouldn't stop.
I giggled and giggled and had tears of giggling so much at the same time.

Healing came from experiencing happiness. It was pent-up silliness that needed to find its release.

That goes to show that not every session indeed has to be painful. What an unexpected release. Felt like I could go and roll on the floor, it was all so funny.





What is your challenge?

There is a solution to everything

Anna guides you in your journey to more

Freedom - Joy - Fulfillment


During your free 30 minutes Clarity Call

you gain insights on how to overcome your challenge

Schedule your call now


 You can reach Anna via email

send E-Mail





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