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The coaching with Anna was an important investment in my personal development.

Week by week I was given tools and techniques and great assistance to learn to know and understand myself better, to communicate with myself in a more holistic way, to be able to be more conscious and aware in order to bring more freedom, sovereignty and self empowerment in my life.

I am totally happy and grateful for the personal mentoring with Anna and can highly recommend her for her amazing coaching abilities which guided me to find and bring up the best version of myself.



Anna is the right person to help you move through difficult periods of your life, where blockages, looping and high emotions can be overwhelming.

If you’ve come across her, know that you have been guided to her and I wish you the best of luck on your journey with her.  Thank you, Anna  



Anna is direct and to the point.

This sets her up to be ideal for digging deeper into presenting problems and finding the root cause of the anguish.

The root cause may not necessarily be in this lifetime or even in this galaxy.

Once it is found, she sets out to reset the energy and thus a quantum leap is achieved.

The changes are felt instantly in the emotional body and a lifetime of patterns and trauma can be released.



Anna gives simple yet powerful practical tips to keep grounded, focused and in the highest state of being possible.

Sometimes it took a while for me to catch on to the concept, but when I did, I realized that I am indeed the commander of my life.

There is no longer victimhood or playing small. I am always enough. More than enough. Greater than I ever imagined.

Anna is firm yet supportive, insightful, humble, occasionally scary, but always has your best interests at heart.

She will see you through even the darkest periods of your life and if you start a session with tears of sadness, you’ll often end up with tears of happiness by the end.



Anna zeroed in on the root cause of my healing goal.
It felt quite good and plausible although a little neutral. Then I directed her to a discomfort in my body and she zeroed in on that one ... which was a coping mechanism installed by me to protect myself from pain generated in the first goal we tackled.

As this protection mechanism lifted:
I felt the surge of emotion and energy and a giggle! Which wouldn't stop.
I giggled and giggled and had tears of giggling so much at the same time.
Healing came from experiencing happiness. It was pent-up silliness that needed to find its release.

That goes to show that not every session indeed has to be painful. What an unexpected release. Felt like I could go and roll on the floor, it was all so funny.

I am curious to see how it all readjusts in this new reality where I don't have to protect from high vibe emotions.



Last night I had the most amazing session with Anna Leverents from QuantumMagic.

I had absolutely no expectations, I thought it would be just a chat.  “Just a chat” no such thing, LOL.

I experienced a quantum leap! Life changing to say the least.

Anna helped me to put the pieces of bizarre experiences in my life together.

Next minute … something clicked. Like all the cogs and wheels in the universe aligned for me.

I know my mission. How cool is that!
Beyond a miracle. I feel like a different person.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Anna, because I have been struggling for what seems like forever.

Absolutely priceless



Thank you Anna. You saw something in me that I did not see myself. Now it is manifesting.

I now can also bring in my nursing/people skills and counseling skills along the way into my sessions with clients. It is as if my life had prepared me for this in many different ways.

I can move forward to help others create the life we all deserve.



Anna is not afraid to challenge participants when she perceives old programming and conditioning presenting itself for observation and clearing.

Anna comes with my highest recommendation in this field of exploration.  



Dear Anna Leverents
Is that your real name or is it a pseudonym?

I ask because of “lever” in French is to raise. I see you’ve been raising a few people up here in the group. 

I’m manifesting a bit of magic for myself right now.

I *love* your mission Anna - QuantumMagicMiracles

I really benefitted from the consultation I had with you last Wednesday. And I’m really looking forward to our next session.



Quantum Magic Miracles - the name intrigued me.

Not knowing what to expect I jumped right in.
What an amazing adventure it has been!

All the ups and downs of a journey into the unknown. Swimming deep rivers, climbing high mountains but what a view when I arrived at the summit! Such clarity.

Anna works in partnership with you to remove the blocks that are hindering the process

She has the ability to see right through you and quickly gets to the heart of the matter

Her laser focus picks up easily on any false beliefs, self deception and gremlins that may be holding you back. 

You might not be able to see them, but Anna definitely does.



The work with Anna is like no other.

I could not predict how meetings will go.  I found it uncomfortable in the beginning but now I realize that this is all part of being in the flow of what is. 

Anna has a unique way of seeing through situations to identify with precision the root cause of a situation and suggest a remedy. 

Anna is a gremlin buster!



Anna has helped me BIGLY.

She is a special lady who has the gift to see your negative attachments, helps you remove it and guides you to change your mindset to a positive one.

I think that's one way of putting how she helps and heals others :)
Powerful sessions with Anna.

She has transformed my life and my being in a tremendous way.

I definitely recommend connecting with her.



I highly recommend Anna, she is incredibly gifted to guide you to your highest potential



Anna has the gift of seeing through surface distractions, finding the root cause of problems.

She holds a supportive space and manages to connect seemingly disparate situations and make sense of it all.

She is a light weaver and architect for
transforming your old patterns and beliefs.



I had a very interesting and enlightening session with AnnA last week.

She has an ability to transform a story into a higher consciousness space - a quantum space you might say.

It certainly helped me look at myself with new insight.



Hi Anna, my testimonial:

"If you're looking for a multidimensional quantum healer, Anna comes with my highest recommendation.

She has all the necessary qualities needed to do this specialized form of healing."



Thank you for everything I have learned from you Anna
Being part of this group was a pleasure.



Thank you Anna being part of this group has helped me explore myself much more and address my own  programing. I am very grateful for this.



I wanted to share my feelings and experience so far being in this wonderful group and journey : 

-  I have got clarity like never before.

-  I have learnt to speak up more instead of binding my thoughts somewhere to a corner of heart.

-  I have learnt to set boundaries at work, not getting drawn to every noise possible.

-  My words have more connection with my heart rather being controlled by brain

-  I have learnt to take a breath, detach from all that goes on and look at my own soul when it smiles.

-  I realized random thoughts like "Flying with wings" makes me happy like it used to when I was a child.

-  I have learnt to lean on to these thoughts more than before, because these thoughts tend keep more of me in me.

-  I have also realized my soul is travelling in two trains right now:
One train is a train of carefree thoughts, not giving a damn and always cracking nonsense jokes
The other one is a train of discipline, serious thoughts, planning, over analysis etc.

The way I see myself is what I have never felt before.
I see more clarity.

In short I feel Myself more.

Thanks to Anna and all my wonderful fellow Quantum Leapers here.

Thanks for inspiring me so much !!!



The past 9 weeks the QuantumMagicMiracles group mentoring has helped me let go more of the old programs.

After our Thursday evening session, the next day the universe shows up in a positive manner, but only if you use some of the protocols, work on your true self and stand in your truth.

If you want to take your consciousness to the next level, I suggest you sign up for Anna's group mentorings, its one of the best courses I have had the privilege to be apart of.



A huge thanks to Anna @QuantumMagicMiracles
who has given my boy dog a new lease of life!
I can feel the change in his energy Anna, amazing!

The little dog had an entity attached which, as you can imagine, was interfering in his happiness.

Now I'm shedding tears at the joy he is, being the complete doggy dog known as Pip.



Thank you Anna, your remote healing is very much appreciated.

My hubby was heavily effected by radiation poisoning while we were attending the Canberra rally.

He was carrying his mobile in his back pocket and was walking on metal crutches

He didn't believe in remote healing but nothing he tried worked.  His pain and suffering was growing. His body felt like it was dying.  After 10 weeks as the last chance he was open to remote quantum healing.

After the session he slept like a baby for more than 12 hours. He is recovering and his sprit is returning.



I connected with you because I noticed the "Truth" you spoke in a podcast. My intuition about you was right.

In the 12 weeks mentoring you took me with an uplifting heart energy into a higher vibration that I had lost for a while at that moment.

This brought me the opportunity to get the “vision and soul” destiny clearer.

You also motivated me to face the future with confidence.

A future of the new world on God's highest timeline.

Every week was positively surprising, where there was a lot of talk about the state of the world and all the energies that run in it.

Very nice that you also gave in-depth information with websites about all this.



A big thank you to Anna Leverents on this group, who I had a very powerful session with on Tuesday.

Anna helped me to clear some tough energetic stuff that had been with me for a very long long time.
Now I feel lighter and more centered.

Ready to move forward to help others create the life we all deserve.



I was intrigued by Anna's comments on a group, her often very literal interventions were quite unsettling in the sense that they generally brought extreme clarity and forced one to see things as a very neutral high level observer.

Like slipping into the position of someone looking into my world from another, completely different reality and  pinpointing the most obvious dysfunctions with complete innocence.

I felt I had to experience 'this woman's work' and so we met online.

I hadn't prepared anything specific and even mentioned that I had absolutely no idea what to expect of this session - that most sessions are about working through some pain, and that after the pain comes the release.

Anna stopped me quickly on this track, reminding me that this was just a belief and that it could be as I chose it to be, at any time.

The session took place.

Anna zeroed in on the root cause of my healing goal.
It felt quite good and plausible although a little neutral. Then I directed her to a discomfort in my body and she zeroed in on that one ... which was a coping mechanism installed by me to protect myself from pain generated in the first goal we tackled.

As this protection mechanism lifted
I felt the surge of emotion and energy and a giggle! Which wouldn't stop.
I giggled and giggled and had tears of giggling so much at the same time.
Healing came from experiencing happiness. It was pent-up silliness that needed to find its release.

And that goes to show that not every session indeed has to be painful. What an unexpected release.
Felt like I could go and roll on the floor it was all so funny.

Thank you Anna, I am now watching my daily behaviors curious to see how it all readjusts in this new reality where I don't have to protect from high vibe emotions.



Anna is direct, to the point and has the no bullshit practicality of not entertaining any whining or self pity.

This sets her up to be ideal for digging deeper into presenting problems and finding the root cause of the anguish.
The root cause may not necessarily be in this lifetime or even in this galaxy.

Once it is found, she sets out to reset the energy and thus a quantum leap is achieved. The changes are felt instantly in the emotional body and a lifetime of patterns and trauma can be released.

She gives simple yet powerful practical tips to keep you  grounded, focused and in the highest state of being possible.

Sometimes it took a while for me to catch on to the concept, but when I did, I realized that I am indeed the commander of my life.

There is no victimhood or playing small.
We are always enough. More than enough.
Greater than we ever imagined.

She is firm yet supportive, insightful, humble, occasionally scary, but always has your best interests at heart.

She will see you through even the darkest periods of your life and if you start a session with tears of sadness, you’ll often end up with tears of happiness by the end.

If you are prepared to do your inner work and come out of a series of sessions as a better version of yourself, Anna is the lady for you.

The road isn’t easy, but she has the tools, gremlin busters and insights on how to move you through it.

She is always learning, evolving and implementing new ideas into her work.

If you’ve come across her, know that you have been guided to her and I wish you the best of luck on your journey with her.

Thank you Anna




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